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Your First Appointment

Your first appointment


Your first appointment will be for a Dental Health Assessment. At this assessment we will perform a full Dental Health Check including assessment of your teeth, bite, gums, soft tissues, jaw joint and cancer screening. To aid diagnosis, x-rays will usually be taken. If you have concerns about your smile and wish to improve it we can discuss the many options at this visit. You will be presented with a treatment plan that follows these three principles:


  1. Elimination of dental disease.

  2. Prevention of future dental disease.

  3. Improvement of aesthetic/cosmetic appearance.


After your initial assessment and subsequent treatment we will determine how frequently you should attend for oral health screening. Factors taken into consideration are:

Your general health, and whether you have a condition which affects the health of your mouth.

Your dental health.

Your oral hygiene routine.

Your dietary habits.

How much you smoke and drink.

At Trinity Dental centre we can give you a beautiful and more youthful smile in a kind and gentle way. Please contact us if you would like to know more.

Contact Us

Trinity Dental Centre
28 Trinity Street, Barnstaple

North Devon EX32 8HX


Tel: 01271 373738



Fields with (*) are required.

Please contact us via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.

Opening Hours










8:00am - 4:00pm


9:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 4:00pm

8:00am - 3:00pm





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